Thank you, Aswara and Orchestra

Dear Rose,

You wouldn't know how grateful I am especially today. If you wonder where had I been recently, then I probably would be hanging around with some wonderful people from Aswara. Well, the reason I always sneaked into Aswara was I simply need a proper practice room.

Almost everyday, my target is to practice and practice, as this is the only way I can achieve something out of my dreams. But good things always come unexpectedly as only God knows which is the best plan.

I met my friends: Zuhaili, Rachel, Syafiq, Zuhilmi, Rai, C Min, Wyng Yeen, friends from Asean University Orchestra, KLPac Symphonic Band, Big Band Story, everywhere. They are all currently studying in Aswara except Zuhilmi from University of Malaya. Music circle is very small and warm.

Today is my first day joining their orchestra practice in Aswara. It is a pleasure for me to play in the orchestra as the music choices just fit me. Conductor is Dr Takahisa Ota, he was the Resident Conductor for KLPac Orchestra until a year ago. I met him once at his KLPac concert and playing in his orchestra is exactly a dream came true for me! Thank you my friends, especially Wyng Yeen for this fantastic opportunity! Dr Takahisa Ota was truly a fun and nice person!

I met Mdm Isabella Pek quite frequently as the practice rooms I had been using was just right opposite to her office. She is always generous in sharing her knowledge and so caring towards her students even outcomer like me. She offered me to join orchestration class this coming Thursday, how can I not accept, that is my favorite music subject! Dr Burrell used to do the same thing in UPSI, I miss him already.

Rachel and I agreed to meet Mr Leonard Yeap for having a lesson two weeks later. I have so much to prepare while getting myself ready for next trombone lesson. Tomorrow I will be heading to KLCC and practice at Dewan Filharmonik Petronas until Asian Youth Jazz Orchestra concert at 6:30 pm.

God, please bless my audition while I am trying my best to reach where my dreams live.

Yoong Wei


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