Asian Youth Jazz Orchestra Tour @ Dewan Filharmonik Petronas 7th Oct, Wed

Dear Rose,

I probably seen the audition notice of Asian Youth Jazz Orchestra a year ago. This year the selected members are on ASEAN tour and Dewan Filharmonik Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, would be their last stop before they dismiss. It was really impressive that the conductor/ Osamu Matsumoto is a trombone player whom also played trombone while conducting the orchestra. He even arranged most of the repertoires being played by the AYJO. I would never forget that one piece named " Yesterday Among the Flow of Time" with reharmonization idea clearly performed. People might think that was simply singing out of tune. Tonight is totally again a whole new approach to music experience. I could tell there was one hidden classical piece Bolero which he arranged into something extraordinary jazzy. I know the tune because I really "love" playing Bolero for my trombone audition.

It was very inspiring to know Asian musicians could perform such great jazz work. Outstanding soloists and orchestra. If you ask me about the difference between the western jazz band and AYJO, I would say the colors in our Asian cultures brought some advantage to the music here. Some traditional and folk music elements could be heard from the arrangements and sound. Seeing the friendships among orchestra members from different country and background is even more fun! Music always brings peace and unity!

The only female in the brass section/ Mariko Maeda from Japan. She plays both tenor trombone and bass trombone. She is truly adorable. I feel proud by looking at her confidence and passion. I never lied when I said trombone is a sexy instrument, you probably agree with me.

I had been practicing for 2-3 hours in DFP today. Since they allowed me to use the soloist room 1, I started to imagine how great if one day I am being invited to perform as a soloist. DFP has a lot of rooms and sideways passages with heavy doors. Majority of the doors would need either a key or scanned card to unlock. Obviously I am the type of person whom never failed to lost the way. I always locked myself on the other side of the door and trapped myself in wrong ways. Undoubtedly DFP is a big maze for a no sense of direction person like me.

Yoong Wei


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