Hello Again! Oops It's Already Monday!
Dear Rose, Hi ya. Time flies, especially when it is weekend. What have I done for these seven days in past week? It seems too rushed to be remembered. Nevertheless, today (25th October 2015, Sunday) is a special day out of all extraordinary days - meeting my teachers. I had rehearsal at Aswara for student big band recording project this morning. As usual I was about to meet people whom make music. Surprisingly, I bumped into my secondary school marching band teacher - Mr Goh. I was thinking we might be able to meet someday playing music together, as I believe the music circle is so small, somehow the close relations within people in the industry will bring us together at some circumstances. And it happened, Mr Goh was coming for the project rehearsal. It was little happy moment for us. After the rehearsal, I had quick lunch with parents before heading to KLCC. Today MPO performed Wagner's Ring - big brass thing. Composer - Wagner enlarged brass section by addi...