New Year Countdown @ I-City, Shah Alam

Dear Rose,

  I have been thinking about singing recently, I mean sing to people, which I think this would be the most transparent way of music sharing, where a performer can directly interact with the audiences in person - no need to sit statically all time, woohoo!

  Opportunity was given on the new year eve, so friends and I participated at the I-City New Year Countdown to 2016 Celebration singing performance. Cherish the time since my last theme park experience with friends was around the age of 18. Nostalgia moment started where seeing my young friends playing around energetically while Lyn and I stood there - old friends just watched.

  Well, my 2016 new year resolution: -

  • Practice!
" Play with good sound everyday! " Sound good to make myself feel confident and my teacher happy! Of course this is result for the audiences including conductor and my peers.

  •  Becoming great!
It is a promise to keep between teacher and me, and also me and myself. But for real, what it takes to become great? Maybe start with breaking all breakable bad habits ... 

  •  Piano/ keyboard
I have no idea but I am sure I will need it for songwriting, composition and performance. I regret every time when I think of it, so I ain't gonna just think of it from now.

  • Read
Reading is a compulsory. It is the giant which I can never even predict its height - where I hear great wisdom and words from philosophers, storytellers, poets, thinkers etc.

  •  Create
I love arts and beautiful things - everywhere. It has been a long time since I bought myself some materials to do calligraphy and arts, I should start some crafts anytime.
Write songs, write craps, everyday! Good songs are from drafts.

  •  Great love
We can't define love, but gradually love can define us. Multiply the love we have, by spreading it like sparkles into the world, may you see the stars you caught in return.
Hence, the greater number of stars you have, the greater the constellation formed in you.

  Happy New Year! May 2016 sparkles with surprise and miracle! 


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