#每周手账3.1 Jenn & Jane
Dear Rose,
Sorry for keep coming back to writing things up this week. I should have been doing some other school tasks and music practice. hmmm ...
This is a real quick one, hopefully.
This morning I woke up and I saw Jenn did an Instagram live chat with Jane Chuck. Jane has always been my favorite blogger when she was still active blogging back in those days. I like her style.
But after this interview, I got to know more about her, and I think I like her more than before. She is mysterious like Jenn said, but after watching Jane Chuck's recent vlogs, we realize that she is actually a very simple person. Thank Jenn for her wonderful "Live's Too Short" interview and we get more insight into Jane and Chuck's:
Creator -> entrepreneur = concept + emotion = lifestyle, diary, self love, honey
I learn new things from their conversations, especially when they were talking about Jane's life journey and her entrepreneurship:
"Nothing is confirmed one". Jane: "let people ask you questions, go and ask people questions". If you cannot answer that question, get to that person and find out why behind every no, work it out.
If someone says no to you, find out why.
I think this is a really good point because not everyone can simply accept judgments and criticisms. I am the type of person who easily gets offended when people criticize me. But now I like the idea of how Jane takes critics as part of contributions to her idea, and feel inspired.
I like how both their social media contents provide entertainment and inspiration to my life especially those on lifestyle and personal growth-related stuff.
I like Jenn being active, dynamic, cheerful, funny, and positive, having so much fun with her life.
But I really love how Jane Chuck stays true to herself and the things that she works for. Simple, maybe more conventional than adventurous. Or "adventurous" in her own chill way.
I am a shy person but most of the time for my music career nature, I push myself to become a fun and more outgoing person. Sometimes I confused myself with the choices I made that to an extent make me feel uncomfortable and lost. hmmm ...
But I am also grateful for these choices that I have made. Maybe stupid but it leads to where I am becoming today - can do just the things I like to do, and I truly wish the list to go on forever.
Do you sometimes wish yourself to live a more "wanderful" life?
Or you are very afraid to deal with uncertainty like me ... I am a very careful person who wishes to be more good at taking risks. And I would rather take risks than being bored.
Oh! Another interesting point from Jenn & Jane's conversation was when Jenn asked Jane about her Virgo "control freak" / "perfectionism" personality,
Jane is more obsessed with how things are being organized and she replied,
"I think I'm growing into it after staying at home, hopefully, I don't overbear it. "
That is exactly how I feel when I started to become more particular about things. I don't know the exact reason behind this change. Was it because of my Virgo boyfriend or the movie and book that I have seen? Or the dust allergy that changed me?
This is the most influential movie that I came across in a few years back, it is called "Watashi no Uchi ni wa, Nan'nimo Nai 《我的家里空无一物》". A lot of messages from this movie stick with me even until now and I think my lifestyle evolves from it ...
For example, I always imagine life staying in an empty house would be better. An empty house is easier to clean.
Since I have dust allergy, the biggest concern of my life is not zero waste, but zero dust. But I am a lazy person, so instead of cleaning my space with more effort, I think very, very hard on how to clean my space with less effort. LOL. 😷

Not just about cleanliness. I realize I am not just being hard on myself, I tend to be hard on people around me, with the way I manage things.
Anyway, I am not sure of how these changes happen in me. I have a stubborn trait in my Taurus personalities, I would pursue things that I want no matter what - like a bull. But never expect myself would grow into a perfectionist one day, I wish this is not a gene from my Virgo dad, or influence from my Virgo boyfriend. YAS, I HAVE MANY MORE VIRGOS AROUND ME!
Since I started doing yoga more consistently, I feel I become more chill and I hope this chillness doesn't go away ...
Another two points I got from Jane Chuck:
Another stay-true-to-herself blogger, Daphne Charice, shared a post about "influencer" and I really like it when she mentioned how people get confused with the contents on social media platforms:
If you want to gain accurate information, go read books or journals, at least these sources contain authoritative information and are checked by academics or other experts. HEHEHE
Sorry for keep coming back to writing things up this week. I should have been doing some other school tasks and music practice. hmmm ...
This is a real quick one, hopefully.
This morning I woke up and I saw Jenn did an Instagram live chat with Jane Chuck. Jane has always been my favorite blogger when she was still active blogging back in those days. I like her style.
But after this interview, I got to know more about her, and I think I like her more than before. She is mysterious like Jenn said, but after watching Jane Chuck's recent vlogs, we realize that she is actually a very simple person. Thank Jenn for her wonderful "Live's Too Short" interview and we get more insight into Jane and Chuck's:
Creator -> entrepreneur = concept + emotion = lifestyle, diary, self love, honey
I learn new things from their conversations, especially when they were talking about Jane's life journey and her entrepreneurship:
- let people poke holes in your plan
"Nothing is confirmed one". Jane: "let people ask you questions, go and ask people questions". If you cannot answer that question, get to that person and find out why behind every no, work it out.
If someone says no to you, find out why.
I think this is a really good point because not everyone can simply accept judgments and criticisms. I am the type of person who easily gets offended when people criticize me. But now I like the idea of how Jane takes critics as part of contributions to her idea, and feel inspired.
- there's a risk to trust people, give it a timeframe
- I follow a lot of aesthetic and creative friends and Instagrams, music videos, travelings and lots of ways to get inspirations
- Chuck's is a little way for me to execute creativity, no protocols like when I work with friends
- be the trendsetter
- I always believe in teamwork
- running a cafe, money is very important. Cashflow.
- hard to sell things by telling. peer influences. put the trend as part of the business.
- think of the worst-case scenario. Kind of set the bar there and know what to do when it happens.
- being an entrepreneur is risky
These are some of my "a-ha" moments in their live chat and I feel like taking notes for my future reference.
And in their comment section, someone wrote that:
"Jane is a more careful person. Jenn is taking risk kind."
I like how both their social media contents provide entertainment and inspiration to my life especially those on lifestyle and personal growth-related stuff.
I like Jenn being active, dynamic, cheerful, funny, and positive, having so much fun with her life.
But I really love how Jane Chuck stays true to herself and the things that she works for. Simple, maybe more conventional than adventurous. Or "adventurous" in her own chill way.
I am a shy person but most of the time for my music career nature, I push myself to become a fun and more outgoing person. Sometimes I confused myself with the choices I made that to an extent make me feel uncomfortable and lost. hmmm ...
But I am also grateful for these choices that I have made. Maybe stupid but it leads to where I am becoming today - can do just the things I like to do, and I truly wish the list to go on forever.
Do you sometimes wish yourself to live a more "wanderful" life?
Or you are very afraid to deal with uncertainty like me ... I am a very careful person who wishes to be more good at taking risks. And I would rather take risks than being bored.
Oh! Another interesting point from Jenn & Jane's conversation was when Jenn asked Jane about her Virgo "control freak" / "perfectionism" personality,
Jane is more obsessed with how things are being organized and she replied,
"I think I'm growing into it after staying at home, hopefully, I don't overbear it. "
That is exactly how I feel when I started to become more particular about things. I don't know the exact reason behind this change. Was it because of my Virgo boyfriend or the movie and book that I have seen? Or the dust allergy that changed me?
This is the most influential movie that I came across in a few years back, it is called "Watashi no Uchi ni wa, Nan'nimo Nai 《我的家里空无一物》". A lot of messages from this movie stick with me even until now and I think my lifestyle evolves from it ...
For example, I always imagine life staying in an empty house would be better. An empty house is easier to clean.
Since I have dust allergy, the biggest concern of my life is not zero waste, but zero dust. But I am a lazy person, so instead of cleaning my space with more effort, I think very, very hard on how to clean my space with less effort. LOL. 😷

Not just about cleanliness. I realize I am not just being hard on myself, I tend to be hard on people around me, with the way I manage things.
Anyway, I am not sure of how these changes happen in me. I have a stubborn trait in my Taurus personalities, I would pursue things that I want no matter what - like a bull. But never expect myself would grow into a perfectionist one day, I wish this is not a gene from my Virgo dad, or influence from my Virgo boyfriend. YAS, I HAVE MANY MORE VIRGOS AROUND ME!
Since I started doing yoga more consistently, I feel I become more chill and I hope this chillness doesn't go away ...
Another two points I got from Jane Chuck:
- The reason why I did not start youtube earlier is I cannot deal with myself. Someone told me that I really need to let go of something or else I won't be doing it. And lose the opportunity. It's ok to let go.
- People have different ways of working as long they execute the thing in front of me that's ok
Another stay-true-to-herself blogger, Daphne Charice, shared a post about "influencer" and I really like it when she mentioned how people get confused with the contents on social media platforms:
You can turn away from content you don't want to see.If you're looking for deeper, intellectual content, get off Instagram and Facebook.People don't go on Instagram and Facebook to check the weather."Influencers" are not made to provide ALL the useful and right information.Even Google and Wikipedia get it wrong sometimes.Instagram and Facebook are becoming more informative but..they are still social media apps = entertainment.
Read more at http://www.daphnecharice.com/2020/04/a-social-media-content-creator-is-not.htmlI totally agree with her because I see people becoming more and more serious about what they saw on Facebook for example, and bring it up to an argument. Arguing over an inaccurate statement is meaningless and a total waste of time. Don't trust everything you see on social media, be educated.
If you want to gain accurate information, go read books or journals, at least these sources contain authoritative information and are checked by academics or other experts. HEHEHE
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