Butterfly Lovers @ Klpac Orchestra

Dear Rose,

4th - 6th March 2016, Klpac Orchestra's A Celebration of Chinese Music @ klpac

It was Klpac Orchestra's 10th Anniversary and my first concert performance at the Klpac. Things that I have been thinking of coming true really do happen in real life, little by little, kind of unbelievable. Ten years ago, I started to want music; ten years later, things never get easy still, in fact, the further I travel, the bigger the possibilities I see in infinite. What about chances?

Thank you, Klpac, orchestra and friends, my family too. I apologize since I would not know how much I can do to pay off, while I am greedily in need for more, in order to continue doing things that I am doing. I do ask myself, if I get a chance to rewind, would I still do the same? Yes, even harder.

In a world of dreamers, we all been through feeling of loneliness but nobody is ever alone. What if I can travel in timeline and see how our faith goes? I don't wanna miss a thing. Toddlers frequently fall before they begin to walk properly; so how many bad notes for I begin sounding great? Thank you for grabbing my hands before I learn to stand strong, dear all my superheros.


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