Late Post

Finally I am having this precious time gap to sum up some of the things I've been working on lately.

  • 16th August 2015, Sunday. I attended Klpac Symphonic Band audition and I succeed! Band director, Cheryl Mah, kindly gave me some advise towards music, I really appreciate and will continue to work on it! I will never forget the moment she said " you know me? I think we are friends on Facebook." Huh??

  • 26th August 2015, Wednesday. I auditioned for Klpac Orchestra but I got email replied saying that they already have enough trombonist. Maybe you may ask why am I busy engaging with orchestras, I think maybe this is a good time for me to get exposure and experience towards performing before I further my study.

  • Meanwhile, 26th August 2015, Wednesday, was also our recital day at RTM Angkasapuri. It was a workshop recital. I performed Lament, Against All Odds and Someday My Prince Will Come with friends and RTM musicians. I will always remember, so precious!

  • First week of September 2015, finally submitted all my report and documents to UPSI and RTM Angkasapuri respectively. 

  • 5th September 2015, Saturday, my first WIT with MPYO. But when I arrived Kak Fadilah said NO TROMBONE PART. ARGH! Nevermind, we still managed to practice on our own after movie and lunch. Bought myself Beethoven's 5th concert ticket and Marques' trombone recital! 

Tomorrow 7th September 2015, Monday, I have MUET speaking test 7:30 am at SMK Batu Lapan Puchong, wish me luck!  


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