Internship 100 days @ Rentak 50, RTM Angkasapuri

Datuk Mokhzani (second left) is the music director of RTM

I started off my daily internship report on the 8th June 2015. Counting down to 100 days until 28th August 2015, I had already given myself an A proudly, like what had always been favorited from Maestro Benjamin Zander, a "break all limbs" promise to myself.

Literally it was a three months internship program. Wondering and wondering what could be done here - RTM Angkasapuri, a long heard famous place where mainly local broadcasting and music-making happen. To be honest, I had a lot of mixed feelings at first.

Angkasapuri, also known as Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM), is a big compound encloses several buildings: Wisma TV, Wisma Radio, Bangunan Rentak 50, Wisma Berita RTM, Auditorium P. Ramlee and more.

Internship students majoring in music were placed under Rentak 50 - music service department. And for not long, it turned out being listed in my personal favorite-places-ever, forever! ( I guess every my friend would say so)

  • Being freshmen, how fascinating?
Internship students freshly being exposed to the actual realm outside of university compound. Only if one could seize the opportunity, then it is definitely a brand new discovery of variety and excitement, which can surely open up oneself in seeing more possibilities. Mr Leonard's saying, " you learn it at first, but might only able to apply it practically after years." 

Basically I was given assignment to transcribe music, make lead sheet, approach to arrangement, theory and harmonization understanding, improvisation and score preparation. Been through the trial and error process, redo, redo and redo. Making mistake is all we count, that is how we progress. 

  • Making awesome friends
Internship students arrived from different background and universities included ICOM, Aswara, UiTM, UMS and UPSI, which making our conversations even more content and interesting. We talked about opinions, knowledge and courage, continuously helping one another in a particular way. 

  • Meeting professionals 
Watching professionals closely on their work and routine helped us in understanding better towards the working scenario of music profession. I am so inspired by their efficiency and disciplined teamwork which reflected so much in great music they produced. Mdm Yap Yen saying, " disciplined makes great musicians." Majority of the RTM musicians are multitask-ers, they perform, teach, arrange music and lead orchestra, meanwhile few of them are also playing great roles as lovely parents in taking well care of their family. I am thankful as they never stopped answering every single question and doubt I had, so generous in sharing all of theirs. Teaching me to have good thoughts, humanity, music knowledge and infinite possibilities.

  • Helping me in better approach
Meeting session with Abang Luqman:" What do you learn?" I remember my answer " Making me think of not only what I gain from here, but also what I can contribute even in future." Harmonization, arrangement approach and score preparation I learnt within these three months making me feel so fulfilling, indirectly it might also help me in wiser decision making. But that is never enough. Infinite possibilities and things can be done, but to fit the amount of time, what should be my priority? Anyhow, life is a ongoing process of puzzling, someday somehow there must be a relation.

Recording studio, Rentak 50 Angkasapuri

Guitarist Ihju and friends from Aswara

With 'Apple Tree' Zuhaili

With Abang Luqman, Hanif, friends from UiTM and Bong from UMS

Bassist En Ismail
Pianist Mr Leonard Yeap


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