Semester Break + 1 Week Part III

1st April 2015, Wednesday
Okay I admit it was an extraordinary day - April Fool. First of all, we are having an extra holidays week to prolong our semester break. I am still the very rare diploma student hanging around in UPSI. It's good thing that I can concentrate on my preparation for MPYO audition, in stead of doing nothing. But still it has a long way to go before I am ready for myself.
The toughest thing is doing everything precisely and effortlessly.

And MPO New Orleans jazz concert. A friend, Lip Sheng, told me that there are limited student tickets left when I was just planning to have my breakfast - so I stuffed everything into my mouth and rushed to KLCC just to grab my ticket. Lip Sheng had actually bought one for me already, gosh!

I was lost in KLCC, okay no sense of direction at all, " Asked help for Lip Sheng. Marques Young was coming to this way too, he gave me a high five and he continued to talk on the phone.

Lip Sheng brought me to Kinokuniya. I knew he was in rush while saying:" it's okay, take your time." He followed me and I continued to search for my books - with a human GPS. We shared about books and took LRT home.

2nd April 2015, Thursday
Last night I had dinner with my parents before I got back to UPSI practice. I woke up early this morning, after breakfast and some practice with myself, I rushed to KLCC again to attend Jazz Workshop.

I met En Pidot and some friends from Aswara Big Band Story. It was an inspiring jazz workshop!
1. Dance with your fear!
2. It's okay to feel naked, we open up our souls to the audiences.
3. Listen more is how you learn a language, before you learn to speak - jazz language
4. Transcribe and imitate - train your ears too
5. Listen to each other when you're playing in a band
6. Don't hide yourself, communicate with the audiences
7. Make your music comes alive! Make them feel it!
8. Play along!
9. Sing and hear it while you're doing something else
10. Enjoy the stage, like it's a party! Show off yourself!

I left together with Zulhilmy Zulkifli, the bassist, by taking the LRT. I always like to have conversation with him because he has so many things and interesting thoughts to share. He is now taking his master programme in UM - 28 years old.

Every single happened, every person I meet, in future, present and past, I believe they always have a relation, a reason, like the star map.


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