Dear Rose, 乘现在的空档,赶快来补写之前想要分享的第六届马来西亚爵士钢琴音乐节(Malaysian Jazz Piano Festival)。说来惭愧,虽然已经办到第六届了,却是我第一次参与。才得知第一届的MJPF是办在No Black Tie。 感恩Big Band of Penang (BBOP) 给予我机会和他们一起在台上演出,然后我还得到了免费参与所有workshops和观赏gala concert的入门票。真心觉得获益良多,也更开阔了自己的视野,看到了方向。一方面也更让自己确信,选择爵士,我就如同完全走出自己的舒适圈,开始一件自己很不擅长的事情 —— improvise,从零开始起步。我和BBOP的朋友们更希望明年可以一起站上舞台比赛。我不敢保证自己能够达到很高水平,但至少今年我要认真拜师学艺的目标一定要达成。One step at a time,路才能一直走下去。 MJPF 创始人/(我很崇拜的老师)Michael Veerapan 对于我南下北上去和槟城的爵士大乐团排练,他笑说:“ You crazy ah? ”。其实他本人也是一样到槟城去帮助他们的排练嘛。可能他自己也懂我的为什么,存粹 " I had fun "。没有他们对爵士乐的疯狂,就没有对于小小的我带来那种存粹为了好音乐而不断增进自己的心态影响。我觉得自己实在很庆幸,这一路被槟城朋友对爵士音乐的存粹感染着。今年,是我跟槟城爵士大乐团的第三年了。虽然我们都知道要长久维持一个独立社区乐团非常不容易,但我还是希望这小火苗可以一直延续下去。 嗯啦,我知道我在这里看起来黑眼圈眼袋非常可怕。留来纪念啦!哈哈 这是我借住Kevin的家。好大的落地玻璃窗,家里没有电视,只有环绕的阳光和海景。晚上房间如果不把窗帘拉上,映入眼帘的就是城里的灯火,深夜里可以看着它们慢慢熄灭。早上呢,喝Kevin做的黑咖啡聊天一边看海,然后过会儿可以到附近的印度煎饼店会朋友。散步过去也可以,在Kevin忙着看网上的橄榄球比赛的时候,他老婆Joy已经自己跑步到那里慢慢享受早餐了。 当然我去槟城不只是练爵士乐团啦,我还有brass ensemble(叫铜管合奏?)一起sightreading,warm up,吃吃喝喝 ...... 我已经快有种槟城是我第二个家的感觉了。 ...
Dear Rosé, I think we need to seek help. I am emotionally overwhelmed, again. I remember this happened during high school years when I got so stressed up about everything, I did not know what to do. I had the thought of suicide at that time. I felt I was alone and no one could understand what I was going through. Overwhelmed. I wish my emotions can go away. I do not know what triggers these feelings, I push people away, I want to escape from my own thoughts. Probably the wedding, probably too many uncertainties, insecurities, unresolved problems, arguments, doubts, etc. the world is moving too fast, everybody is moving ahead of me ... What should I do and where should I go ... I want to find the root of all my problems ... No matter how hard I try to set boundaries with people Being defensive Ignoring their voices It still hurts. Maybe I need advices I need someone to stand by me I need shelter Hide away from the noisy world. Dear my future self, I re...
Dear Rose, Do MORE: get creative spend time with family and friends get active + improve moods - regular physical activity & social connections eco-friendly living a balanced diet maintain a regular sleep pattern stay hydrated - drink water, skincare stress management slow it down me time shopping list - plan your shopping saving plan more sun cook a meal every week declutter and room cleaning - higher concentration and increase work productivity improve overall musical skills and work performance improve language and communication skills celebrate the little things - practice daily gratitude 9pm foot soak - blood circulation, stress relief (盐水泡澡助眠抗衰,增强记忆力) yoga and stretching Do LESS: screen time junk food impulsive shopping - clothes, makeup products, skincare, food, bags, others sleep late procrastination eating out or takeaway talking too fast multitasking bad posture skipping breakfast - body functions slow down to preserve the fuel ---------------------...
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