#每周手账33:your trauma is your inner child

Dear Rose,

As we grow we begin to realise many things in life are interrelated.

As we start to understand, we learn to forgive and let go. 

We might not be able to connect all the dots right away but when we can acknowledge our mental and behavioural health needs, we will eventually find out how these gaps can be fulfilled.  

Every behaviour has a purpose. 

Behaviour = communication 

Impact of Childhood Trauma : r/adultsurvivors

Formal education does not teach us how we can resolve our trauma or unmet needs. Moreover, the impact of childhood trauma is often misinterpreted in many ways or left untreated. 

When parents or teachers do not understand what the child is going through, this child will normally feel neglected and tend to develop oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). 

These difficulties might lead to more complex problems alongside with underlying triggered trauma memories. 

Trauma does not give you a pass on treating people poorly. Heal and get it together. 

We are aware that one should not use trauma as an excuse to cause pain in others.

But first we need a safe space for the victims to be heard, understood and well supported, for them to acknowledge, accept, and walk through their pain. 

It Didn't Start With You : How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle

Trauma does not raise merely with one individual. It can be passed down from one generation to another, be it our family, religion or society.

Every grown-up is responsible for breaking the chain before it continues to harm our next generation.


10 Ways to Heal From Trauma

12 Very Common Examples of Trauma - Ipseity Counseling in Denver

Every child deserves to be happy. Every adult deserves to feel loved.

You're loved. 


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