#每周手账28: Inner Child Healing 内心小孩(下)

Dear Rose, "The wound is not my fault. But the healing is my responsibility." The Impact of Childhood Neglect Growing up believing you're unlovable Low self-worth ✔ Feeling like you have to give everything of yourself just so others won't leave you Feeling constantly alone/ unsafe in the world Developing an extreme level of self-sufficiency ✔ Feeling undeserving of love Learning to be "the helper" for others but fighting all your own battles alone ✔ Feeling insecure in your attachments ✔ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE-PARENTING INNER CHILD HEALING becoming aware of the ways in which we harm, abandon, and betray ourselves noticing our behavior and the impact on others. learning to regulate and self-soothe when we are triggered or reactive. recognizing and responding to our needs. working within our tolerance and gradually building it. reaching out for support and co-reg...