#每周手账20: Focus on the things you can control.

Dear Rose,


Heartbreaking news about the survival of the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) upset many. 

I can literally feel the momentum drops along with disappointment and a crash of hope among the local voices. 

Despite the heavy strikes from this pandemic, people from the arts and entertainment industry have been working on all alternatives to sustain whichever they can. 

And it has been nearly 2 years, with no gigs and live concerts. 

The recovering process has been a big failure. Ignorant, stupid, and irresponsible leaders have accumulated a gigantic mass that will continue to affect the country for many generations to come. 

Because they kill not just the livelihood, but humanities.

Arts has reached its lowest level and very likely, it will continue to be worsened in the hands that commercialize art and everything related to it to become one of the most trivial activities in history. 

And we will continue to be

merely entertainers. 

Entertainment bands.

“A few may receive new contracts in an entertainment band, but the Philharmonic as such is finished and the musicians will be unemployed after Christmas,” 

End of an era.


I have lost hope and feel discouraged by the situation. 

While some of us the musicians trying to encourage one another and put ourselves together each time we collapse, many were forced to sell off their equipment and even instruments just to sustain their lives.

It is heartbreaking for us to watch live art venues and production houses like the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) and Kuala Lumpur City Opera (KLCO) struggling. 

And to watch our colleagues who had to surrender were forced to give up on music. 


To musicians who start to pick up the day jobs.

We wish you all the best in your new journey. 

Begin the new era. 



Despite the unpromising circumstances, 

I will continue to express my gratitude.

I will take control by focusing on the small things at the present moment. 

I will take care of myself. 

I will do my best while I still can.


I am privileged: -

To further my studies 

To have mentors

To make music

To stay home with my family

To connect with friends

To stay healthy and safe from the virus

To decide my own future

To serve 

The future is bright.



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