02/52 Building a Habit

Dear Rose,

Currently, I am so busy with my final project (PeTA) submission, which the deadline is this Friday. So this is going to be a short and sweet post (maybe).

  Every year I have so many habits I want to break, and new habits I wish I practice more. This year, I have mainly three, the same old three things on the list: -

  1. Become more self-disciplined 
  2. Lara Sunt Cara, meaning less is more
  3. A healthy lifestyle

"What matters is learning the skills of habit-building and habit-breaking so that you can always adopt the right set of habits for that moment in time." - The Simple Arts of Creating Long-Lasting Habits


According to James Clear, "On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances. In Lally's study, it took anywhere from 18 days to 254 days for people to form a new habit."

MY TOP 5 QUOTES from Goodreads about habits: -
 “We become what we repeatedly do.” 
― Sean Covey, The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens

“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit.” 
― Gordon Parks

“A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit.” 
― Erasmus

“The best kind of happiness is a habit you're passionate about.” 
― Shannon L. Alder

“Some rules are nothing but old habits that people are afraid to change.” 
― Therese Fowler, Souvenir


  Pardon me, I did not know this post will end up be nerdy LOL. So this is another book about habits "The 7 Habits of Highly Efficient People", which I bought for a long time but no time to read, will share a bit after I finish reading it later. Having to read more is also another habit I always want to achieve. Hope this year I won't fail my reading challenge on Goodreads again. What about we target 12 books in a year? #2019ReadingChallenge

PS: K bye. Back to work.


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