A Fermata
Dear Rose,
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I named it "A Fermata" aka bird's eye; hold; "A pause of unspecified length on a note or rest."
Soon, I'll be having a long study break until the month of September. Ideally, I will read as many books as I can, and be organized with the piles and piles of papers and books that I have. Donate or sell things that I do not need, because somebody else might need or take good care of it better than I do. Become an ideal minimalist. Live simple and clean. Less is more - declutter my room. Owning less stuffs in our home, the easier they are to clean; more purpose, meaning.
At the same time, I must prepare myself for the upcoming semester because I'll be compiling all my portfolios for final evaluation aka PETA, as a composition major student. Am I happy with the progress so far? I wish it could be more, get even closer to my target. Time wait for no man. Each stage of life brings new choices, I wish we all happy with ours.
“Similar to a how a flower grows incrementally, people also blossom in stages. As we age, we expand our knowledge of how the world works and how other people respond to our deeds. We also expand our language skills in order to communicate both our thoughts and feelings.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
Lately, I begin to spend roughly 10mins everyday meditating on physical sensations in order to feel calm, grounded and healthy.
I read this from an online article, " I once had a yoga teacher who began each class using a soft, soothing voice. As class progressed, his voice grew louder, until the end he was often shouting. So I asked him, "Why do you talk so loudly?" He responded, "When I feel that you aren't listening, I turn up the volume." Like this teacher, your body turns up its volume to get your attention when you don't listen to its subtle messages. It's helpful to learn to detect your body's subtle cues so that you don't have to wait until it needs to shout for your attention. When you're able to respond to early stress symptoms, such as heaviness, tightness, discomfort, or irritation, you won't need to experience more distressing and possibly harmful conditions, such as anxiety, high blood pressure, low blood sugar, and fatigue, that could otherwise arise. "
"The moment I switch from thinking to feeling, I activate a natural relaxation response throughout my body."
"You don’t need to be a master of advanced asana to drop into the deepest level of yourself each day. The star of this sequence is the breath."
My aim is to practice a routine and see how consistent repetation will turn it into a habit of mine, in order to achieve a balance, healthier and lighter lifestyle now and in future. And I really look forward to how meditation will help myself to become more centered and focused in everything I do.
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