Love is Distance In Our Heart

Dear Rose,

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
If you do not know who is Antoine, I will show The Little Prince to you; if you think making honey lemon is tough, I can do it for you; if you miss out the best views in town, I can probably guide you; but if you ever question what love is, I do not know ...

It comes in different forms, different languages, different ways, sometimes there is no a single word at all, not even a song, so quietly ... Sometimes it's harsh, loud, cruel, sorrow, fear etc. So how you define love? STOP. No one is a love expert, someone who makes statement is a liar. In fact, we all know what love is, we just need to experience what we already know - it is the distance in our heart.

Thank "photographer", for making it real #111


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