2015 Finale: I am sorry, thank you!

Dear Rose,

  24 hours left before 2015 closes its last page.

  I have plenty to say but so little words. It all started with dream and a to-do list, where 'happened' eventually relate to itself.

  First of all, 2015 is my graduation year. I am officially a diploma in music and performing arts graduate at the age of 20. Despite myself living away from home during the years of study, my occasional homesick was retreated by life itself - curiosity, emotions and excitement. Time where freedom was given to seek true self and shape own lifestyle, although today I am still continuously in the process of this lifelong hide-and-seek.

  Little things truly matter. I miss two of my favorites but actually there is infinite more, greater than just memories. Those are the stars of the constellation in me. Thank you and sorry for all my mistakes in the past. In future and present, do pamper me with great mistakes and failures because be great is a promise. Other than specific passion, we can serve.
' Great is the joy we can know in each day, when we can serve other in some small way, for we shall know the gift of life.' - Dr Robert Burrell.

  Joining the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO) had always been my biggest to-do on the list. Fortunately, magic happened twice, I made it this wonderful year!

  I believe things never get easy, yet we become stronger as we grow. In fact, we greedily seek for more hope and dream to happen - well, human nature. Dream a dream, it drains all our emotions and tears, but saying is true: -
' Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.' - Anaïs Nin.

  2015, I am sorry, thank you for everything! Dream is set, now is time to get real serious then. I am having great teachers and inspiring people all around! Big love, hello 2016! Ongoing 21!


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