Alnwick Music Camp (UK) in Malaysia

Dear Rose,

  It's Alnwick Music Camp week! All I wanted is to meet Kevin Field - well known conductor whom used to conduct the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. I still heard about him from many of my friends. I am lucky enough to grab this opportunity to work with him towards lots of interesting music and activities.

  Thank you to Nicole Thomson as well. She is the coach for vocal section. We had so much fun doing dancing and singing games with her as she has fantastic personalities, which always never failed to support and encourage us throughout the process of learning outside the comfort zone. I finally be able to brave myself conducting the orchestra was all credits to her, and Mr Field whom guided me on my conducting techniques trial.

  I will definitely not to forget my camp mates. They all are from different ages, background and places but undoubtedly they are all amazing individuals. I appreciate their help and support towards all of me. I wish I would remember forever their warmest smiley faces and words, thank you!

  I never expected that I would meet some of my MPYO friends here, they are Nicholas (percussion), Yong Hang (horn) and Hui Hui (clarinet). I love to play in a section and I love playing with my wind section here, they sounded great! I love to play In C with Yong Hang, as he always had some ideas on how to encounter my parts, Mr Field and Nicholas on the percussion as well.

  Last but not least! Thank you both my loving parents for being so patient and supportive always! It had been a busy week occupied with BMA AMC and recording project at Aswara.

We as "guest conductors"

MPYO mates and Nicole Thomson

MPYO mates and Kevin Field

Aswara students' big band arrangement recording project on 28th October 2015

Yoong Wei


  1. nice blog girl
    what instrument you play?
    I'm blogger walking a hug


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