Trombone Mini Recital Slide 1

Photo credits to Dr Colleen.

  It was my first trombone mini recital but it did not go well like what I expected. I lost focus on my music and I played wrong notes - it was a really awful experience for me. I walked out from the recital room and started to cry. 

  Eric, Len and Dr Burrell followed me at the back ( Dr Burrell walked a bit slow as usual ). They tried to comfort me, patting on my shoulder and head. But I cried even louder, on Eric's shoulder. I could still hear Dr Burrell's voice saying: "you played good notes more than wrong notes."

  Even Dr Karen approached to me when she saw me crying. She slow talked to me. She shared her own experience as a performer, she understood how badly I felt and she even cried. She remembered that similar thing happened when she was at my age. She said it is fine to make mistake now, so that I will not make the same mistake twice when I become a professional musician. She lost her position as the principle flute during those days she played in professional orchestra just because once her flute solo came in at the wrong time in a concert performance. She gave a small koala toy to me, hoping that it will make me feel better.

  I met En Mustaqim - my tutor, at last, the person who watched my development all this while. Hanif was there too. I could not say a single word, or else I would cry even badly. No one understood how guilty and upset I felt, I had disappointed everybody who came to my mini recital.

  It's okay.

  I learned from it. Len talked to me in his car. He said I'm the lucky one because I'm able to struggle with what I love - worth it. No bad feelings because humans do make mistakes and failures lead us to success. I am so glad to have great friends and teachers by my side. I promised to myself and people who watched me, I will make everyone feels happy. Thank you to my teachers, En Mustaqim, Dr Burrell, Dr Colleen, Dr Mahayuddin, Sir Azhar; precious friends, Cheryl, Eric, Len, Ching Yee, Adam (he called and talked to me because I was hurting myself so much with negative thoughts - totally unnecessary); juniors and seniors; the brass section, Haziq, Azy, these people fulfilled the first page of this important life event of mine.


A day before mini recital was our FiPPro lauching. Kak Umi and Kak Syahda attended, they are my beloved seniors. Kak Umi said she was so impressed to watch my trombone solo.


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