The Black and White Guardians

I will always remember my black and white guardian seniors - both so caring and helpful. 

1. The black guardian - Abg Khairul
He looks strict and kind of evil. I was really afraid of him when I first stepped into UPSI. Respect him at the same time as he taught me a lot of new stuffs. He was the one who brought me to En Mustaqim for the first time, just to show me how a quartet looks like. Randomly he likes to make fun of me or else I can hardly see him smiles. Maybe someday someone'll truly understand his quiet beyond his seriousness. I believe he is never a bad guy. He loves jazz!

2. The white guardian - Abg Rizqin
Before we knew each other, abg Rizqin was a very quiet person. When I just came to UPSI, I heard that he had phobia due to relationship problems, which caused his difficulties to get close with any girl. But surprisingly, I got to talk to him a little.

Slowly I noticed some changes in him. (I think I just simply love to observe people) He became more cheerful and started to speak more. He makes friends with people, even with girls. (maybe phobia was just rumors haha!)

I found he is a very polite, organized and understanding person. He is very positive and helpful to the people around him. He taught me a lot of about trombone and music since our first met. (In a gentle way, opposite from abg Khairul style LOL) 
He wished me luck even I still failed my MPYO audition. A lot of things I learnt from him.

Sometimes he does observe people like what I did. During our trip to Singapore Trombone Festival, he looked at me and he read my mind. I wasn't sure how he did that - Edward the vampire? But I was really shocked and tried to hide my emotional feelings due to my recent messed up relationship. He always said I'm the kind of person who could not stop thinking things. And he wondered what's in my mind as he felt it must be something interesting. Grrrr... I hate people who can read my mind .. Maybe he's another quiet soul, too?

We do discuss some deeper topics, something need some thinking, very interesting ... I just can't small talk.

While we were waiting at the TBS bus station, we talked about introverts' personalities. We read the same book- Quiet! Somehow we have some similar perspectives towards livings. We love to write stuffs especially when we get angry, it's a way to express ourselves! We both love handmade things - we bought vintage postcards at the same shop, we love vintage toys... That shows we love to collect memories I think. I tried to send a postcard home when I travel to Penang, like what he told. He suggested me good books to read - The Inner Game. 

We practice duets and warm-up techniques crazily. I told him about the break up. He comforted me by sharing with me his break-up experience with his ex-girlfriend. I was surprised he didn't mind to talk to me about it. I cried a little but I knew I would get better very soon. I tried very hard to be cool. Sometimes I felt myself like an empty soul, even my friend said so. Rizqin encouraged me and taught me how to be strong. He's a very special friend of mine.

Recently, I heard that Rizqin isn't good at dancing, his friend said he is a "kayu" lol. Now I found we do have many similarities.


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