UPSI, Tanjong Malim - When There is Love, There is Home

Straight headed to Tanjong Malim with Sheng and Rizqin after concert on 19th March (Sunday) - last minute plan, although I didn't manage to catch up with the alumni big band event, but still it is time to take a look at old friends and all the things I missed. ' I love crazy students ... ' said Prof Zaharul during the talk. Yes, I love crazy friends too because they know my illness way too well. I love to have them laugh out loud at my silliness, being sarcastic, energetic, loving, supportive, honest, strict, happy, lazy, hilarious, creative, noisy etc. They see me differently from what I see in myself at some point, in good and bad. Someday we laughed too hard whereas I accidentally spitted my drink all over Rizqin's face - immediately everyone burst into another big laughter - it went on and on. I greeted my lecturers and friends, attended Prof. Zaharul's talk for degree students - very influencing as usual. Spent time practicing at the musicians' changing...