A Fermata

Dear Rose, My favorite insta photo from @rzqnzhf https://www.instagram.com/p/BjHK4FZAsv0/?taken-by=rzqnzhf I named it "A Fermata" aka bird's eye; hold; " A pause of unspecified length on a note or rest." Soon, I'll be having a long study break until the month of September. Ideally, I will read as many books as I can, and be organized with the piles and piles of papers and books that I have. Donate or sell things that I do not need, because somebody else might need or take good care of it better than I do. Become an ideal minimalist. Live simple and clean. Less is more - declutter my room. Owning less stuffs in our home, the easier they are to clean; more purpose, meaning. At the same time, I must prepare myself for the upcoming semester because I'll be compiling all my portfolios for final evaluation aka PETA, as a composition major student. Am I happy with the progress so far? I wish it could be more, get even closer to my target. ...