#Throwback BBS: Chapter 1

It was really exciting to get an opportunity to explore the outside world - how I felt when I was being invited to be part of the Big Band Story by both my seniors, Abg Khairul and Abg Rizqin. I learnt and experienced so much from the Big Band Story members and also great people from Aswara. They taught me new things about jazz music. I found out these great people are really nice and humble, they inspired me to be a musician with nice personalities. From here I learnt my weakness and what to achieve. Thanks again for the love and inspirations. I met my super senior from SMK Batu Lapan. Although we never met in school before but we were so glad that Big Band Story brought us together. Music brings unity. Here's the trombone section, my new brothers - Aidili, Khairul Asri, Sabri, Abg Khairul, Abg Rizqin and me! They are the coolest trombone section ever! They guided me throughout the practice especially Abg Khairul Asri and Aidili. And last but not ...