
Showing posts from September, 2021

#每周手账31: how do you feel about adulting?

Dear Rose, It's been a busy week, but I am very grateful for having to play music with the band again.  We are happy for all our friends who get to play live gigs too. Start seeing live jazz and swing dancers around, the vibe is back, the city is alive again.  Despite messy schedule, my bestfriend aka soul buddy and I still managed to catch up and have a short visit to the Pasar Seni, which used to be my favorite place to hang.  I am always grateful that I have this friend of mine, we can always share thoughts and feelings. Just feel connected in many ways.  He was the person who shared the book "Quiet" with me many years ago, and talked to me about my insecurities. Reminded me to stay calm when things get overwhelmed. He is one of my most important buddies because we deal with each other's shits, like he found me when I lost my direction at the Jonker Street, Singapore LOL In the car, he asked me how I feel about adulting.  It somehow made me felt relieved and ...

#每周手账30:be grateful, trust, be gentle. ☁️

Dear Rosé, Just ended my last class with Mr. Bauman and there are still so many things to learn. I really want to feel what they feel being a black American musician rooted in New Orleans. What is in their spirits ? Unfortunately, life goes on. As now industries seem to start recovering from the pandemic, schools are preparing to reopen. Although there are still many uncertainties, cases are still raising like crazy but people want to believe vaccines can protect us from the deathly Covid-19. Gigs are slowly coming in. I guess this is another round of never ending adjustment and adaptation, and I am feeling a little more overwhelming, unstable, uncertain, anxious, at the same time excited again. I am not sure about this mixed feeling and emotion. Like Mr. Bauman said, "it is like you're excited, but at the same time not sure." Things are getting a lot busier.  And I always want to stay grounded at uncertain times like this .    I want to remember the words Mr. Bauman...


Dear Ros é , 这个星期有比较开心的感觉,为什么呢? 因为早睡的关系?的确睡饱了,一天下来的感觉也比顺利。 还有护肤。最近有稍微照顾自己的皮肤多一点,让自己漂亮起来,状态好,心情也好。 之前一直熬夜,黑眼圈和脸色很差,吓死自己了。 这几天收到了网购的摄影灯具,测试了一下上传到网上,不小心受到了关注,来自网友和朋友的称赞和鼓励,让我觉得原来大家都喜欢看到我一直都有好好的。 " So adorable. I'm happy to see you being you and happy Yoong Wei 😍😊👍 "  "Beautiful"  "your turn to be confident." Thank you for the love. Really appreciate that.  原来一个人 学会爱自己就会有人来爱你 ,这是真的。 能量满满。 就这样,继续把 to-do list一个一个完成,然后照顾好自己,生活刚刚好。每一天都美好。 严爵,看到你美好的小夫妻生活,简简单单,继续做自己,热衷自己喜欢的事情,我看着也替你开心啊,如果可以加入你的团队就更好了。你是我的太阳。🌞 以前我觉得自己想要另一半是导演摄影师之类的,我配乐他摄影,现在的你可能就是我想象中的样子,只是你一个人就可以做完全部的事情。/// 有时候人啊偏偏会活在自己成长过程的阴影下,偏偏不想要遇到的事情,想要逃脱,可是啊之前我有分享过的comfort zone,就算是 toxic 不好的事,人也会选择去重蹈覆辙,因为人就会一心想要改写历史,再经历一次的话想着可能会有不一样的结局。 为什么不直接接受一本全新的剧本呢? 我一直在为此而努力着。也许扩大社交圈子,打开心,多和不同的人交涉之后,我才会重新找到真正属于我的地方吧。 慢慢来。 记得早点睡,晚安。 You're loved.  P.S. 狮子座的你,你可能不知道我其实懂你的小心思,但是你的线索就这么少。都过这么久了。还让我一直梦到你。姐姐不能陪你玩,你会受伤的。也可能就是因为你太懂我了,所以你也不往前了吧,你故意这么慢的吗?- 金牛座和狮子座没完没了的心理战 | 你今天问起那本我曾经很爱的 planner,我都忘了呢,谢谢你让我想起。  巨蟹座太多愁...